סמינר בחומר מעובה: Bounds on quantum correlations - theory and experiment

Eliahu Cohen, Bar Ilan University

11 בנובמבר 2024, 11:00 
בניין קפלון, אולם פלקסר (118) 
סמינר בחומר מעובה



Quantum correlations exhibit unique features on both conceptual and applied levels. After a brief introduction, I will describe a framework we developed for analyzing them, known as Relativistic Independence [1]. This framework enables to derive the strength of quantum correlations from outside the quantum formalism based on a single assumption regarding the locality of generalized uncertainty principles. Furthermore, it has provided us to with new bounds on quantum correlations, e.g. multiplicative [2] and multipartite [3] Bell inequalities, bounds on topological zero modes [4], bounds on temporal correlations [5], and also suggested us better ways to detect and quantify bipartite [6] and multipartite [7] entanglement. Recently, this framework has been successfully tested in quantum optical experiments [8,9]. I will address all the above and if time permits also mention our new approach towards the design of efficient quantum algorithms [10].


[1] Carmi A., Cohen E., “Relativistic independence bounds nonlocality”, Sci. Adv. 5, eaav8370 (2019). 

[2] Te'eni A., Peled, B.Y., Cohen E., Carmi A., "Multiplicative Bell inequalities",  Phys. Rev. A 99 040102(R) (2019).

[3] Lenny R., Ben Porath D., Cohen E., "Refined Tsirelson bounds on multipartite Bell inequalities", Phys. Rev. A 110, 032435 (2024). 

[4] Carmi A., Herasymenko Y., Cohen E., Snizhko K., "Bounds on nonlocal correlations in the presence of signaling and their application to topological zero modes", New J. Phys. 21, 073032 (2019).

[5] Ben Porath, D. Cohen, E., Leggett-Garg-like Inequalities from a Correlation Matrix Construction, Quantum Reports 5, 398-406 (2023).

[6] Peled B.Y., Te'eni A., Carmi A., Cohen E., "Correlation Minor Norm as a Detector and Quantifier of Entanglement", Sci. Rep. 11, 2849 (2021). 

[7] Lenny R., Te'eni A., Peled B., Carmi A., Cohen E., "Multipartite Entanglement Detection via Correlation Minor Norm", Quantum Inf. Process 22, 292 (2023).

[8] Paneru D., Te'eni A., Peled B. Y., Hubble J., Zhang Y., Carmi A., Cohen E., Karimi E., "Experimental tests of multiplicative Bell inequalities and the fundamental role of local correlations", Phys. Rev. Research 3, L012025 (2021).

[9] Atzori F. et al., "Experimental Test of Nonlocality Limits from Relativistic Independence", forthcoming

[10] Te'eni A., Schwartzman-Nowik Z., Nowakowski M., Horodecki P., Cohen E. "Oracle problems as communication tasks and optimization of quantum algorithms", arXiv:2409.15549.



מארגני הסמינר: ד"ר יוחאי בר סיני וד"ר יהונתן ישראל


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